Psalm 2:11: "Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling." We rejoice all the time. We rejoice when our car gets fixed after being inoperable providing a means of transportation. We rejoice when our favorite ball team wins the world series. We rejoice over the birth of a baby boy or girl, or when we watch that baby boy or girl graduate and move on to marry the person they love. The point is that life is filled with opportunity to rejoice. Rejoicing with trembling is unique. We rejoice in all these things without trembling, so what is the difference here? The difference is the object of our rejoicing. Romans 8:37 is proof positive that we have victory in Christ and are more than conquerors in Christ because He has chosen to place His love upon us by His grace. This reality of this phenomenal truth is the ultimate means to our joy being fulfilled, and we rejoice in the hope of this supernatural transaction of the gospel. The reality of Christ and all that he is, and all that he has done, and all that he has yet to do, is a "trembling" reality! Why a Holy God loves unholy people when we stop and consider just how holy He is, is a "trembling reality." Psalm 119:120 says, "My flesh trembles for fear of You, I am afraid of Your judgments." We ought to tremble at the very thought of God and all that we rightly deserve from His hand, that in any given moment he could destroy our soul for rebelling against His Word; BUT HE DIDN'T! Instead He chose to love us and make a way for forgiveness, the redemption of sin, and we rejoice in that understanding. Not flippantly but trembling at the love, mercy, withheld wrath, and grace of God displayed in the gospel! "Rejoice with trembling."
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