Man, it has been a busy January and February. Winter Camp was in January and there was a lot of preparation and hard work going into that. However, the Lord was extremely good and convicted the hearts of our students and lead them into repentance. I've had the awesome opportunity to lead worship for the last couple of winter and summer camps we've done and it has been a total blessing. My heart is to see our youth come to a mature understanding of what worship is so that when they grow and become apart of the greater local church they aren't worship illiterate, not understanding who, how, and why we worship. A wrong understanding of worship is an epidemic in this country and not just for our youth but within the adults as well, one I myself have to fight within my own wicked heart. Hopefully sometime in the near future we'll dive deeper into what that looks like but for now, to God be the glory, he is continuing to take our youth and adults into a deeper worship, appreciation, and affection for the glories of Calvary! Anyway, COME OUT AND WORSHIP WITH US TONIGHT! There is no doubt you will be extremely blessed as Pastor Jim continues to take us through the book of Esther. We'll spend time singing to, praying to, and celebrating Christ so come and be a part of that with us!
4) I Lift My Eyes Up