4) O Love That Will Not Let Me Go (New)

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Sunday Morning 10/30/11
Well I'm looking forward to being with the body of Christ again. We had an awesome Wednesday night looking at Nehemiah 8 and the revival that happened there as people cried out to Ezra "Bring Us the Book." May we we have a deepening desire for God's Word like that as well! Speaking of which, Pastor Jim will be continuing our study through 1 Peter as we pick up in chapter one verse eighteen continuing to look at the affect of our GREAT SALVATION in our lives! Don't miss out, come and worship with us as we sing songs and hymns that promote the greatness of God and His work in and through the gospel of Christ! There are a couple newer songs so make sure to click on and learn these so you can come prepared to sing and make a LOUD JOYFUL noise to our Lord!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday Night 10/26/11
I'm really looking forward to this Wednesday Night service! If you stop and think about it, it really is an amazing privilege that we can gather together as believers in the middle of the week to be encouraged and washed by the Word, and celebrate the gospel together. Often we are feeling pretty spiritually drained by the time Wednesday rolls around so why not come and be a part of the body of Christ. There is nothing like delighting in Christ like going and delighting in Christ through the outpouring of the local church! Pastor Jim will be taking us back through Nehemiah 8 and REVIVAL which we need so desperately bad in our individual hearts. This will be convicting, encouraging, and should lead us to desire revival so you won't want to miss out. Lord willing our hearts will be prepared as we sing these songs about the love, person, and work of Christ so familiarize yourself with them and come ready to worship our God!
2) Psalm 100
4) O Love That Will Not Let Me Go (New)
5) Rock of Ages
6) Give Us Clean Hands
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Sunday Morning 10/23/11
Hey guys, check out what's going on this Sunday at CCRP! Pastor Jim is continuing to take us through 1 Peter chapter 1 and as I have said before this study has been an unbelievable encouragement! If you have missed some of the studies make sure to stop by our Growing in the Word ministry and pick up copies of the ones you've missed. Also this week's song set should be a huge blessing as we sing about the character and work of Christ, so click on and learn these songs and come ready to worship our God! See you on Sunday at 10:00 AM here at the church!
5) Psalm 62
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wednesday Night 10/19/11
It's hard to believe that we are already at our last chapter of Ezra but it's true, Pastor Jim will be finishing up this book for us tonight. Make sure you're there, especially those of you who have started this study with us, you won't want to miss it's conclusion as it has been a great blessing to this church! So come and be apart of tonight's service and read through Ezra 10 as you prepare for tonight's message. Speaking of preparing, here is the song set for tonight for you to familiarize yourself with. Listen to these songs and come ready to offer a sacrifice of praise to our GREAT GOD WHO IS WORTHY OF OUR PRAISE!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Sunday Morning 10/16/11
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know what you can expect for this Sunday morning at CCR! Pastor Jim Jarrett is going to be taking us through 1 Peter 1:13-17 Pt. 2 as we continue to look at the believers response to our glorious salvation and call to holy living motivated by the gospel. If you missed out on last weeks I'd encourage you to drop by the Growing In the Word ministry in the foyer and pick up a copy so you can have this two part message that will encourage, convict, and call you to Christ-likeness! Also as we'll be singing songs that magnify the character of God and remind us of His glorious gospel. So click on, listen to, and prepare your hearts for worship this week; you won't wan't to miss out. See you Sunday at 10:00 AM here at the church!
2) Here Is Love
4) Agnus Dei
6) Psalm 62
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wednesday Night 10/12/11
Man, really looking forward to tonights service, you won't want to miss it. Tonight Pastor Jim is taking a break from our study through Ezra and taking us through Romans 8:35-39. There are many of us facing trials and hardships and what better than to explore the truths of God's inseparable love for us! So, if you are cast down, or struggling, or simply need encouragement, come and be encouraged from God's word and delight in His truth. We're going to be singing songs that express God's great love for us and hope that we have through Him in the gospel. So click on and learn these songs and come prepared to worship our Lord. See you tonight at 7:00 PM here at Calvary Chapel Redding/Palo Cedro!
1) Blessed Assurance
2) I Lift My Eyes Up
3) Thy Mercy
5) Here Is Love
6) Rock of Ages
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Sunday Morning 10/9/11
Hey guys wanted to give you a heads up as to what you can be looking forward to this Sunday. Pastor Jim will be taking us through 1 Peter 1:13-17 as we continue our study through 1 Peter looking at the believers call to Holiness. You won't want to miss out as this has been an amazing study full of encouragement in our great grace under suffering! Also, here's a peak at our song set for Sunday. Click on, listen too, and learn these songs so you can come prepared to join us in worshipping our God. See you Sunday at 10:00 AM here at the church!
4) Stronger
5) Speak O Lord
6) I Will Praise Him Still
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Communion Night this Wednesday
Hey guys just wanted to remind you that we are having communion tomorrow night and invite you to join us here at the church at 7:00 PM. It is so important we don't miss out on the gathering together to sit at the Lord's table. First of all it's not really an option as it's commanded of us in Acts 2:42 to devote ourselves to the "breaking of bread." But secondly, it reminds us of the truth of the gospel and all that the gospel entails for us in redemption, salvation, and the forgiveness of sins. It brings glory to our God to rehearse the gospel together and builds a Godly unity within the body based on the truths of the gospel and the Word of God. Pastor Jay Underwood from Weaverville will be with us this evening as Pastor Jim continues to recovery from his surgery. He will either be taking us through Ephesians 5:15 or Philippians 4:10-13. Either way you won't want to miss out! Also here is a look at the songs we will be singing, songs that are cross centered and that will direct our attention to the gospel as we prepare to take communion together. Click on, listen to, and learn them as you prepare for worship and hopefully we'll see you at 7:00 on Wednesday night!
3) Forever
5) Rock of Ages
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